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    Episode 47
    January 27, 2022

    5 Challenges for the Digital Future of Grain Merchandising

    Crop merchandising has been stubbornly analog for decades. Scale tickets, phone calls, and texts are the way business gets done. Inconsistent standards, incomplete information, and lack of visibility into what’s happening have been accepted as the way things work. The good news? Technology can help overcome the major barriers between grain merchandising and an efficient digital future.
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    January 20, 2022

    Episode 46. Jacqueline Holland, Grain Market Analyst @ Farm Futures

    When working on her masters in agricultural economics, Jacqueline Holland focused her research on large farm decision-making and precision crop technology. She brings that strong knowledge of large agribusiness management to her daily reporting as a grain market analyst...
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    August 25, 2021

    Episode 45: Angie Setzer, @GoddessofGrain

    Angie Setzer, a grain marketing specialist you probably know by her twitter handle, @GoddessofGrain, joins GrainWaves to talk farmer mindsets, the future of ag transportation, and digital media as a powerful tool for education.
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    June 22, 2021

    Episode 44: NGFA Convention Trends?

    Weren’t able to attend the NGFA convention this year? Rodney breaks down 3 trends he saw from the show floor — including the importance of end-to-end technology solutions — alongside Kearney Klein, a logistics executive who leads transportation solutions for Indigo.
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    June 01, 2021

    Episode 43. Thad England: What’s going on with Iowa basis?

    Calling in from western Iowa, grain marketer Thad England gives an update on what he’s seeing and hearing from farmers and buyers as corn & beans continue their historic rally. Why does this year feel different than 2012? Which pricing contracts are screaming hot? How is...
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    May 17, 2021

    Episode 42: Mark Johnson of GrainBridge

    The growth of analytics and data science in the grain business will be a trend to watch over the next decade. And it won’t be us vs. machines. It will be us + machines. Because tech will need to prioritize human relationships for it to succeed in the buying and selling of...
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    April 07, 2021

    Episode 41: Jason Wheeler of Elevator’s Cut

    Jason Wheeler, co-host of Elevator’s Cut and grain merchandising specialist at White Commercial, stops by to talk with Rodney on how a strong, local grain buyer can be so important to a town’s economy. When the buyer makes more money, the farmer makes more money, too. It...
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    April 02, 2021

    Episode 40: The Future of Agriculture Freight

    Kearney Klein knows carriers don’t want to spend more time sourcing loads. He knows farmers and grain buyers want faster access to freight, with more clarity around rates. He’s seen how the whole agricultural transport industry could benefit from a digital platform for...
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    March 10, 2021

    Episode 39: Why is Grain Merchandising Not a Zero-Sum Game?

    Welcome Aline Pezente, new co-host of Grainwaves, who talks with Rodney on how the business of grain merchandising is not a zero-sum game between growers and buyers. Both sides stand to be more profitable with an efficient, digital, and data-driven system.
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    January 28, 2021

    Episode 37: The Power of AgYield

    From digital trading systems to artificial intelligence, AgYield has built a portfolio of powerful technology tools that simplify the grain marketing process for farmers. Their vision, when founding the company over a decade ago, was ahead of the industry. Now, they are on...
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