Unlock Revenue from Low-Carbon Biofuels

    Carbon Intensity (CI) scores unlock a new chapter for decarbonization of fuels and agricultural supply chain sustainability. Leverage Indigo Ag’s proven technology to run low-CI feedstock programs with farmers and help generate revenue from clean fuel markets and tax credit programs. Join Anheuser-Busch, CGB, and Walmart in achieving climate goals through our proven sustainability solutions.

    Optimize Your Fuel Credit Potential

    1: Measure Footprint

    Assess your supply chain and understand how you can leverage the CI of your feedstock draw areas to help maximize tax credit generation.

    2: Identify Opportunities

    Indigo Ag’s tool is powered by remote sensing and USDA and proprietary data to aggregate both the practice changes and emissions heat map for the selected feedstock. From that inventory, we’ll help you identify fields with the highest potential to produce low-CI feedstock.

    3: Drive Sustainable Outcomes

    Indigo Ag will deliver a report with the data required for tax credit compliance. This report will be a compilation of data collection, verification and analysis of eligible practices in GREET and other clean fuel calculators.

    Scale Sustainability with a Proven Framework

    Core to our sustainability solutions is our integrated end-to-end-program design, instilling confidence and reducing complexity, risk and cost. We have solutions whether you’re just starting out with understanding the carbon intensity of your feedstock, or you know your footprint and you’re ready to scale intervention within your draw area and supply chain. Take an ecosystem-level approach that considers the regional nuances and environment of your intervention region and create an inclusive program for farmers that prioritizes profitability and access to additional biofuels revenue. With a trusted partner, build a path to improve over time with infrastructure for program growth into future years as the fuel markets mature.  

    Request a Meeting



    Working with Indigo Ag, we have been able to connect and expand value-added farm practices that promote sustainability within the grain, feed, and food supply chains.

    Eric Slater | President and CEO CGB Enterprises


    GRP was conceived to establish connections between farmers and end-users, including food and beverage companies, ingredient companies, and regenerative and sustainable fuel producers, in order to enhance sustainable practices and market value at every stage of the value chain. This program marks the initial step in fulfilling that mission.

    Jed Miller | Chief Strategy Officer Ag Partners Coop


    Indigo Ag’s sustainable rice program has been a true testament of the many successes of a farmer – buyer relationship. Defining clear objectives and working with the talented Indigo Ag team to harness farmers’ potential has been such a rewarding experience in the rice industry. Sustainable production practices and data validation are critical to protecting our license to operate and the exciting piece of it all is that the farmers can implement strategies to reduce their inputs and footprint, all while earning a premium for their efforts. This is a program that should set the industry standard for growing rice in critical or at-risk areas.

    Bill Jones | Rice Agronomy Manager Anheuser-Busch


    As the first apparel brand to partner with Indigo, we are excited about the positive environmental impacts regenerative cotton production can have not only for The North Face products, but for our industry as a whole. Regenerative products have the ability to shift the industry from simply ‘doing less harm’ to actually replenishing or having a positive impact on nature and resources, and as a brand that is committed to protecting the outdoor places we love to play, we believe this is another critical step in addressing climate change impacts in our supply chain.

    Carol Shu | Senior Manager of Global Sustainability The North Face

    Sustainability you can trust

    10 +
    multibillion dollar companies served
    Nature-Farming - Farming - farming-barn-1
    years of established Scope 3 expertise
    40 K
    metric tons CO2e of emissions reduced
    62 M
    sustainably sourced bushels & bales delivered or committed
    19 B
    gallons of water saved

    Indigo Ag’s Approach to Biofuels

    Integrating science, policy, and technology, our solution links the physical crop with its sustainability attributes throughout the supply chain, ensuring real environmental impact and data quality standards needed for the fuel market.

    "With my past experience building the model for carbon intensity that will be used to measure low carbon biofuels, I chose to come to Indigo where I knew they had the agriculture connections and technology to scale decarbonization of biofuels."

    Hoyoung Kwon, Environmental Sustainability Scientist, Indigo Ag

    Ready to get started with Indigo Ag’s low-carbon biofuels solution?

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    Materials provided by Indigo Ag are for informational purposes only and are subject to change. All offers require a contract, may not be available in all areas, and may have varying results. Indigo Ag does not purchase grain, make payments for grain, or solicit, advise or guarantee any sale, purchase or trade. View our Privacy Policy and Indigo's Data Management and Protection Principles.

    This presentation is provided for informational purposes only. Nothing herein should be construed as any tax or legal advice. Neither Indigo Ag, Inc. nor any of its affiliates makes any representations, warranties or guarantees as to any specific outcomes. Details of the 45z program are a work in progress and any associated program rules, regulations or laws are subject to change and final determination. All parties should independently consult their tax and legal advisors.