Enrich Your Soil, Improve Your Profitability

    Build improved profitability from the soil up with Indigo Ag sustainability programs and biological products.

    Sustainability Solutions

    Flexible programs enable you to choose how to best profit from your sustainable practices like cover crops and no-till that help land keep its value for future generations. Available across the continental US, sign up for Carbon by Indigo today and flex into other programs like sustainable sourcing and biofuels when they become available in your area.

    Get Involved

    Carbon by Indigo Program Highlights

    Planted cover crops for the first time?

    Now, let us reward you! Enroll in Carbon by Indigo to unlock $20 per acre.

    Biological Solutions

    Harnessing nature's beneficial microbes, biotrinsic® products are proven to help protect your crop and increase yield. Find out how biotrinsic products help farmers grow more healthy, profitable crops.
    Find Your biotrinsic® Retailer
    farmer looking at field

    Solutions You Can Trust

    Nature-Farming - Farming - farming-barn-1
    3 K
    farmers in US sustainability programs
    340 K
    tonnes of GHG reductions and removals
    water icon
    19 B
    gallons of water saved
    US biotrinsic® products

    A Growing Community


    As the market for carbon credits expands, the farmer's going to be able to see that with the increased revenue because we're getting paid for the carbon we are sequestering. So as that becomes more valuable, that's more money in the farmer's pocket.

    Chris Lehe | Lehe Farms, Indiana

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    I was averaging 60 bushels per acre where I’m normally at 40-43. The difference is so drastic between Indigo and non-Indigo wheat that the hands running the combine called me to tell me that they thought something was wrong with the meters on the fields.

    Jason Streit | Vernon, TX


    There's hope for me and I hope that my kids will realize the need to continue to feed, clothe, and fuel a growing world. We've crossed the eight billion yardstick in global population and we're headed for 10 billion by the year 2050. With more and more people on this planet, we've got to make sure we can help feed them.

    P.J. Haynie | Virginia Farmer

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    My partnership with Choice Cotton and Autauga Quality Cotton created an introduction point for me with Indigo. It was very exciting to me to be able to substantiate the sustainability claims of our product. We were able to quickly validate our practices by leveraging our existing data and be able to bring forth an authentic partnership.

    Liz Spruell | Alabama Cotton Farmer

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    Using the Indigo seed treatments, we hit our first 100/bu soybeans an acre milestone. It was about a 20/bu acre increase over our other acres. Hitting this milestone is a big deal here and something I’ve never been able to do.

    Hollis Mankin | Southeast AR

    All Indigo products, services and offers are subject to terms, conditions, limitations and eligibility requirements. See relevant program agreement or other terms of purchase for details. Any projected results, payments or earnings displayed on this website are general estimates for informational purposes only and were calculated based on assumptions that may not be applicable to any specific operation.  Actual results will vary based on a number of conditions and variables, such as geography, agronomic practices applied, climate, performance, soil outcomes, and market conditions. Neither Indigo nor any of its representatives or affiliates represents, warrants, or guarantees any specific payment rates, payment amounts, outcomes or results.