Advancing soil carbon science

    To unlock agriculture as a climate solution, we’ve set out to create the highest quality ag carbon program, backed by rigorous science and certification.

    High-quality ag soil carbon credits are being generated by following rigorous, scientifically robust protocols

    Carbon by Indigo leverages third-party protocols from leading global registries – the Climate Action Reserve and Verra – enabling global scale.

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    Indigo Carbon Projects

    Project Name
    Project ID
    Crediting Program
    Protocol / Methodology
    Starting Year
    Total Credits Registered

    Indigo U.S. Project No. 1

    United States



    Indigo Ag EU Project No.1

    Northern Europe



    Project Name

    Indigo U.S. Project No. 1

    Project ID
    Crediting Program
    Protocol / Methodology

    United States

    Project Name

    Indigo Ag EU Project No.1

    Project ID
    Crediting Program
    Protocol / Methodology

    Northern Europe

    The hyperlinks under “Project ID,” and the documents provided therein, disclose project details including standards and verifications, accountability and monitoring measures, data and calculation methodologies, and other information regarding the applicable project that provides transparency and may be of value to consumers.

    Producing quality agricultural carbon credits

    Carbon by Indigo has generated the first registry issued, third-party verified agricultural carbon credits using direct soil sampling and advanced modeling at an unprecedented scale.

    Data transparency builds the credibility and value of the credits.

    These credits are generated using the Soil Enrichment Protocol developed and adopted by the Climate Action Reserve, with participation from Indigo’s team of leading scientists, policy experts, and technologists. Carbon by Indigo’s agricultural soil carbon credits are considered the highest quality because net changes in greenhouse gasses are credited following MRV, or “monitoring, reporting, and verification,” which adheres to IPCC guidelines and best practices.  


    Hear from Our Partners


    We built Airly with a mission to reverse climate change through food, acknowledging that's an audacious goal, but we are fundamentally driven by the fact that agriculture has a big role to play in that overall solution. As you get out into the market and you start to demonstrate the consumer demand, a lot more people start jumping in.

    Jennifer McKnight | Co-Founder, Airly Foods, Post Holdings

    Learn More about Airly

    The potential to generate high-quality carbon credits from sustainable ag practices has been on the table for a long time. That potential is finally reality. These credits are tangible evidence that the effects of on-farm practices can be measured to the highest degree of confidence so that farmers have a credible way to benefit from the massive global investment in carbon credits underway.

    Craig Ebert | President, Climate Action Reserve


    We really need to start treating agriculture and food production in this country more like a long-term investment and less like borrowing and lending. You have to give the capital a chance to grow.

    Zach Ducheneaux | Administrator, USDA Farm Service Agency


    The ability to sell carbon as a new crop ... it's going to fundamentally change what we do on the farm. We'll get paid for something other than yield

    Ben Riensche | Partner, Blue Diamond Farms, Iowa


    This is better farming. Some of the world’s largest companies have a million farms in their supply chains and are facing a world in which climate is becoming more disruptive, less predictive rainfall, water shortages, too much water—all those factors that are making it more difficult to be a farmer today. These companies are looking for exactly that type of agriculture that is going to create more resilience.

    Paul Hawken | Author of Drawdown and Regeneration, Business Strategist, Journalist

    The Soil Carbon Experiment:

    The Sustainability Sciences team’s field research provides a foundational dataset and case studies that keep Carbon by Indigo on the forefront of science.

    The successful delivery of Carbon credits relies on long term data to accurately calibrate and validate models for new practices.

    Indigo initiated The Soil Carbon Experiment (SCX) in 2019 as our primary set of field experiments aimed at answering critical open research questions; specifically, how to apply MRV technology to acres used in carbon credit production. We gather data on soil organic carbon, bulk density, soil health, and other measures on soil samples, with accompanying management data. These samples come from a mix of regeneratively and conventionally managed fields – including a subset of split-field trials with both management systems.

    Internal research trials create a valuable sandbox for Indigo to ask specific questions and quickly evaluate new technologies for market readiness. Conducting field research allows us to better understand the real world challenges of implementing a practice and have more productive conversations with external experts and farmers. 

    Interested in Advancing the Science and Policy With Us?

    Get in touch with our team to begin the conversation.

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    Position Paper
    May 13, 2022

    Additionality in Agricultural Carbon Credits

    Additionality is a foundational criterion for the creation of a carbon offset. When done properly, with high quality credits, the use of a carbon offset results in a net neutral impact on the atmosphere.

    Position Paper
    April 30, 2022

    The Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Footprint

    Anthropogenic climate change is caused by excess atmospheric emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs), especially carbon dioxide (CO2 ), nitrous oxide (N2 O), and methane (CH4).

    Position Paper
    March 1, 2022

    Soil Health Benefits of Regenerative Agriculture

    Soil is a vital natural resource. Healthy soil maintains agricultural productivity and ecosystem functioning through optimal physical, chemical, and biological properties.

    Position Paper
    June 21, 2021

    Implementing the Soil Enrichment Protocol at Scale: Opportunities for an Agricultural Carbon Market

    High-quality agricultural carbon credits that incentivize regenerative practices can help address climate change through greenhouse gas (GHG) abatement and CO2 sequestration.

    Position Paper
    April 21, 2021

    Policy Opportunities for Climate Smart Agriculture

    US growers are struggling to remain profitable, production expenses1 have increased2 , government payouts to farmers are breaking records, and the acceleration of per acre productivity seen over the past century is slowing.

    Position Paper
    April 21, 2021

    Carbon market for climate smart agriculture practices

    Why rigorous measurement, modeling, and scalability matter to farmers

    Position Paper
    April 21, 2021

    Harnessing Agricultural Data with Standards and Interoperability

    Anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHG) are the dominant cause of climate change with agricultural activities, contributing to 9%-14% of global GHG emissions.

    Position Paper
    February 6, 2023

    Managing Quantification Uncertainty in Agricultural Carbon Markets

    In the world of agricultural carbon, understanding and addressing uncertainty is not a simple task, but it can mean the difference between a high-quality credit and one that is not.

    Position Paper
    December 8, 2023

    Ensuring Permanence of Carbon Stored in Agricultural Soils: The Practitioner's Perspective

    Permanence is a necessary and achievable goal in effi cacious agricultural carbon projects. Agricultural carbon crediting can be a signifi cant mechanism to incentivize climate smart practice adoption and thus to help farmers both mitigate and adapt to climate change.

    March 22, 2024

    Are You Ready for 45Z? 4 Questions to Ask a Tech Provider

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    SBTi FLAG for Fashion: What Companies Need to Know

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    Sustainable Ag Featured in Leading Companies’ ESG Reports

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    4 Takeaways From COP28: Agriculture Moves to the Global Climate Stage

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    See you at Climate Week NYC!

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    September 5, 2023

    Why Calibration and Validation Are Critical in Soil Carbon Models

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    August 30, 2023

    Moving from Alignment to Action on Scope 3 Emission Reductions

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    August 17, 2023

    Grounded in Science: Debunking 6 Myths About Soil Carbon as a Climate Solution

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    June 1, 2023

    Making Sense of Scope 3 Emissions Targets and Guidance

    To date, Indigo has delivered more than 10 million bushels of sustainably grown crops, reducing GHG emissions by more than 15,000 metric tons and saving 6.7 billion gallons...

    April 7, 2023

    Building Trust in a Voluntary Carbon Market: Key Takeaways from NACW ’23

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    March 21, 2023

    Indigo Develops Innovative New Bionematicide for Spring 2023 Planting Season

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    February 23, 2023

    Momentum at Scale: A Look at Indigo’s Second Carbon Crop

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    December 6, 2022

    At COP27, Agriculture’s Role as a Climate Solution Grows

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    November 28, 2022

    Is the World Finally Ready to Tackle Scope 3 Emissions in Agriculture?

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    Bringing Agricultural Carbon Programs to Native American Farmers

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    May 10, 2022

    Carbon Farming 101: How Does Soil Carbon Get Measured?

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    December 8, 2021

    A Meeting of the Minds to Advance Agronomic, Crop, and Soil Sciences

    image above: Prof. Keith Paustian of Colorado State University shares his outlook on opportunitiesto advance soil carbon research at an Indigo-hosted reception at the 2021...

    November 16, 2021

    COP26: 4 Takeaways Advancing Agriculture as a Climate Solution

    By Max DuBuisson, Bradley Rochlin, Guy Pinjuv

    November 4, 2021

    Farmers Maximize Their Opportunity to Get Paid for Carbon With New World-Class Tools

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    May 6, 2021

    How Does Soil Carbon Sequestration Work?

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    March 22, 2021

    Reflecting on the Power of the Plant Microbiome for World Water Day

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    January 28, 2021

    These Innovators are Finding New Solutions to Progress Carbon Sequestration in Agricultural Soils

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    January 25, 2021

    What Makes a High Quality Carbon Credit?

    Businesses and consumers are laser-focused on making sure the carbon credits they buy are a true measure of progress against climate change.

    November 18, 2020

    A Major Milestone for Measuring the Climate Benefit of Agriculture

    By Max DuBuisson, Director of Carbon Policy, Indigo Ag The agricultural carbon market just took a major leap forward: In October, rigorous protocols for “soil enrichment”...

    January 22, 2020

    The Key to Agricultural Carbon Markets: Measurement and Verification

    Agricultural soil carbon sequestration and emissions reductions can be immediate and affordable levers in addressing climate change, as suggested by the climate plans...

    December 13, 2018

    A Living Map of the World's Food Supply

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    September 12, 2018

    Yield Differences So Large You Can See Them From Outer Space

    By Geoffrey von Maltzahn When evaluating products, growers trust the results they see with their own eyes. The benefit of a different seed variety, irrigation system,...

    Advancing the Adoption of Soil Carbon Science

    Updates from our in-house team of experts and partners in science and policy.

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    Carbon by Indigo For Farmers

    Carbon by Indigo For Supporting Companies

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