Hear from a customer

    Enrich your soil, improve your profit potential with Carbon by Indigo

    Why Carbon by Indigo?

    How Carbon by Indigo works

    1: SIGN UP

    You map (or import) some or all of your field boundaries and enroll in Carbon by Indigo.


    You add new practices that may increase soil carbon and reduce emissions on your farm, with agronomic support from Indigo.


    You record your historical and current season management data in our web platform, and Indigo takes soil samples on a subset of fields.**


    Indigo calculates the carbon credits produced by your farm, validates the findings with a verifier, and submits the results to a carbon registry.


    Carbon registry issues high-quality carbon credits.

    6: GET PAID

    After Indigo sells credits to corporate buyers, you get paid for the carbon credits you produced.

    Who should sign up for Carbon by Indigo?

    Indigo's sustainable crop program

    Earn a premium for your crops by using specific practices that conserve resources and reduce on-farm emissions. Currently in select areas, Indigo is expanding availability of these programs to new regions and crops. Eligible farmers can enroll in both of Indigo's sustainability programs with the option to choose which program for every field, every year of their rotation.

    Are you a landowner looking for how to participate?

    As landowners, you can improve your land’s productivity while maintaining stewardship values when your growers implement carbon farming practices.

    Hear from farmers seeing success

    Increased soil health, improved farm resilience

    We got started with some cover crops. We thought it was the best move for our farm to try to raise our soil health, our soil fertility, and try to get it to where we're gonna be able to grow better yields and be more productive as a farmer.

    Lance Unger, Indiana Farmer

    Better soil, better bottom line

    Indigo has given us the opportunity and support to improve our land and our income. As the carbon credit market expands, our income can keep growing with increasing carbon prices and our increasing carbon impact, because we're not just getting paid for our practice changes. We're getting paid top dollar for what we're accomplishing. We’re only getting started, and the income potential is a huge incentive for us to expand these practices.

    Chris Lehe, Farmer in Brookston, Indiana with 4,000 acres enrolled in Carbon by Indigo

    Frequently asked questions

    What is required for eligibility?

    To be eligible for payment in the program, you will need to:*

    • Farm field crops in any of the 48 continental US states
    • Adopt or advance at least one new carbon farming practice, such as adding cover crops, increasing cover crop diversity or growth period, reducing tillage, improving nitrogen timing, or diversifying your rotation
    • Submit field and management information by required deadlines, beginning with entering your field boundaries in our web platform (or importing from third-party systems)
    • Increase carbon sequestration and/or reduce greenhouse gas emissions on your farm, as determined by Indigo based on your farm records

    What is a carbon credit?

    Carbon can be thought of like a crop, similar to the other crops you produce on your farm. A carbon credit (also known as a carbon offset) represents either greenhouse gases (GHG) removed from the atmosphere or greenhouse gas emissions reduced. In the case of farming, carbon credits are created based on carbon dioxide you draw down into your soil and GHG emissions you reduce above the soil (for example, through improved nitrogen timing) – beyond what was already happening on your farm.

    Carbon credits operate like crops in some ways. If you produce corn to sell, the buyer will want to know the quantity and quality. Grain handlers will want to facilitate that trade by meeting those information needs. So they weigh your corn and test it for quality so the buyer can have confidence in your product.

    Similarly, carbon credits measure and track the quantity of additional carbon sequestered in the soil and GHG emissions reduced. Our carbon program supports and guides you in carbon farming, and generates carbon credits through modeling, soil samples, analysis, and handling of all the paperwork with the carbon registries. We also recruit and manage a global network of carbon credit buyers, including major corporations like JPMorgan Chase, Ralph Lauren Corporation, The North Face, and Barclays.

    What makes a carbon credit valuable?

    A carbon credit must be real, additional, and permanent, as well as independently verified and uniquely claimed.

    • Real: Credits are generated through complete, accurate, and thorough accounting methods.
    • Additional: The credit leads to GHG reductions that would not have happened without the incentive provided by the carbon market.
    • Permanent: The changes in the project's carbon stock represent a permanent change in the net soil carbon pool.
    • Independently Verified: Project methods, data, and reports undergo rigorous third-party auditing prior to issuing credits.
    • Uniquely Claimed: Credits are owned by one entity at a time, from creation to retirement.

    Because Carbon by Indigo is the ONLY registry-approved ag carbon program at scale, carbon credit buyers are willing to pay premium prices for our premium credits. This is important for farmers who want to generate top dollar for their carbon farming.

    Who is buying carbon credits and why?

    Investors, consumers, and employees are all demanding that companies reduce their impact on the environment and climate. Hundreds of companies have set voluntary targets for themselves to reach certain levels of greenhouse gas emissions – for example, achieving “net-zero emissions” status, in which they are emitting no incremental greenhouse gases into the atmosphere from their activities. In cases where a company or organization is unable to reduce their emissions enough to achieve their target (for example, an airline which relies on carbon-based fuels), that organization would buy carbon credits to help reach their overall net emissions goal. One quarter of the Fortune 500 companies have already set greenhouse gas emissions goals and more are doing so every month.

    Are all carbon credits created equal?

    No. Just like buyers of yellow #2 corn, carbon credit buyers place a premium on credits that meet their desired requirements.

    By following a registry-approved methodology and using rigorous data collection and modeling, we produce carbon credits with the greatest certainty and accuracy of measurement. This certainty is what carbon buyers look for in the “quality” of a carbon credit – confidence that the environmental impact is real and long-lasting.

    Carbon by Indigo is the ONLY registry-approved ag carbon program at scale and produces the highest quality carbon credits, which allows us to generate the most carbon revenue for farmers over the long term.

    What are the qualifying types of practice changes?

    The current list of qualifying practice changes include:

    • Adding cover crops (for the first time, extending the duration, or diversifying your mix)
    • Diversifying your crop rotation
    • Reducing or eliminating tillage
    • Improving nitrogen timing

    When do I have to start new practices to qualify for generating credits?

    Practices in the year preceding harvest of the crop year you are enrolling in may count toward eligibility, otherwise eligibility is determined by practices that you add to your operation after enrollment.

    Why do I need to make a practice change now? Why don’t my previous practice changes count?

    Carbon credit buyers only want to pay for carbon sequestration and emissions reductions that are truly additional and would not have occurred without the grower receiving carbon credit revenue. For this reason, practice changes made farther in the past do not count toward carbon credit production. Because registry-issued ag carbon credits are rare, carbon credit buyers are willing to pay premium prices for our high-quality credits. This is also why we can guarantee a minimum credit price.

    What information am I required to submit? What’s in it for me?

    Participation in Carbon by Indigo includes free access to our web platform where you will use it to map/import field boundaries you want to enroll in the program, sign a contract per field, and then enter records for each contracted field in order for Indigo to determine credits generate and pay you.

    Field records consist of indicating if 8 events occurred on the field and, if they occurred, providing supporting information and documentation. Examples include: planting and harvest dates, fertilizer types, amounts, and application dates, and tillage types and dates, as well as information on cover crop types, dates, and planting and termination methods, and organic amendments where applicable. For your first year, this information is needed for the last 3-5 years as well as the current season. Field records can be entered two ways:

    1. On your desktop computer
    2. Imported via John Deere Operations CenterTM

    We recognize the importance of your agronomic information. It’s the foundation of your business. That’s why Indigo is committed to data privacy and why our data practices have been certified by Ag Data Transparent. You can read about our Data Integrity Policy here.

    How much will I get paid?

    Demand for agriculture-based carbon credits has accelerated over the last year, which is why Carbon by Indigo is pleased to offer growers the security of a price floor, plus unlimited upside as the price rises. Calculate estimated earning for your operation here.

    Ready to start carbon farming with us?

    Create an account to get started.

    Get Started Log In

    *Starting with acreage submitted in the 2021 crop or beyond.. Additional terms, conditions and limitations apply. Participation and enrollment in Indigo Carbon is subject to eligibility requirements and acceptance of program terms and conditions. Not available in all areas. **The number of verified carbon credits issued under Indigo Carbon and eligible for payment is subject to an issuer-imposed buffer pool holdback of approximately 20% (which may be higher or lower) of total volume of CO2e sequestered or abated to protect against potential reversals. All payments under Indigo Carbon are subject to a multi-year vesting schedule, which is dependent on participant’s continued good standing in the program and adherence to program requirements. $15 price per verified carbon credit is only an estimate based on the 2019 payment rate. Actual payment rate is subject to market conditions, may change at any time, and will be determined at the time of sale of the carbon credit. Indigo does not guarantee any minimum or specific payment rate. All figures are examples based on specific assumptions that may not be applicable to all land. A number of variables can affect outcomes on any particular land. Indigo does not guarantee any results with respect to agronomic outcomes, financial or profitability outcomes, carbon dioxide equivalents sequestered, carbon credits generated or amount or eligibility of payments with respect to any individual landowner or operator. Website for promotional purposes only.

    **This company has been evaluated for transparency and compliance with the agricultural industry’s Privacy and Security Principles for Farm Data. The results of the evaluation can be found by clicking on the “Ag Data Transparent” seal. Further, read about Indigo's Data Management and Protection Principles.
