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    Topic: Scope 3 (2)

    Growing a Climate-Positive Snack: Sustainably-Sourced Airly Crackers Remove Carbon from the Atmosphere

    It’s that time of day: The snack attack is hitting. What if you could choose a snack that helps remove greenhouse gases from the air? Sounds delicious—provided the price is...

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    Fashion Forward: The North Face Sources Sustainable Cotton

    This season marks the beginning of “Spring Fashion Weeks” around the globe. From New York to Paris to Hong Kong, the fashion world showcases its creative progress on the...

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    How Can We Bring Transparency to Know How Our Food is Produced?

    10/20/21 Today’s consumers are asking more and more: how, and at what cost to the environment, does food reach my table?

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    Brewing More Beneficial Beer: Beer Companies That Are Leading Climate Sustainability

    The science of agricultural production matters a lot when only a handful of ingredients make up your food or drink. Think coffee, which is just one ingredient. Or beer. The...

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