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    Topic: Read (7)

    Meet Kasey Bryant Bamberger, Whose Ohio Farm Uses Tech to Unlock Nature’s Power

    Kasey Bryant Bamberger is a third-generation partner in Bryant Agriculture Enterprise. That’s a general title, with broad responsibilities, from running the financials to...

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    Celebrating the Winner of the Carbon Cup this Earth Day

    Chris Prevatt, a 32-year-old rancher based out of Alabama – and the winner of this year’s inaugural Carbon Cup – started out attending conferences. Down south for the...

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    The Key to Agricultural Carbon Markets: Measurement and Verification

    Agricultural soil carbon sequestration and emissions reductions can be immediate and affordable levers in addressing climate change, as suggested by the climate plans...

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    Agriculture's Time Has Come

    By David Perry Today, CNBC ranked Indigo as the most innovative company in the world on its 2019 Disruptor 50 list. This news is significant for our young organization but,...

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    Indigo’s Partnership with Anheuser-Busch: A Major Step Towards Beneficial Agriculture

    By David Perry The agriculture industry is currently one of the biggest contributors to human caused greenhouse gas emissions, but I believe that it is also one of the most...

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    A Living Map of the World's Food Supply

    By Geoffrey von Maltzahn Today, we’re excited to announce Indigo’s acquisition of TellusLabs, a satellite imaging and artificial intelligence company based out of Somerville,...

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    Why We Launched Indigo Marketplace™

    The system by which we grow and distribute grain is well over a hundred years old. In the early 1900s, with significant urban migration, came the need for an efficient way to...

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    Yield Differences So Large You Can See Them From Outer Space

    By Geoffrey von Maltzahn When evaluating products, growers trust the results they see with their own eyes. The benefit of a different seed variety, irrigation system,...

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    Indigo Research Partners: Building the World's Largest Agricultural Lab

    At Indigo, we believe the best lab for testing innovative agricultural techniques is the farm itself. Through collaborations with farmers around the US, we are building the...

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    Beyond the Commodity Market

    By David Perry In the first half of the twentieth century, we became increasingly concerned about how we could feed a growing population. In the decades after World War II,...

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