See You at COP28

November 27, 2023

COP28, this year in Dubai, UAE, is expected to bring agriculture and food systems into the heart of this year's discussions, highlighting the importance of international collaboration in tackling climate-smart transformation in food systems. We expect to see multiple food-focused pavilions in the Blue Zone, and myriad food and agriculture events building to a Food, Agriculture, and Water Day on December 10. Our science and policy experts will be speaking on several panels and attending a multitude of events with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), International Emissions Trading Association (IETA), and many more.

Sunday, December 3
Time: 19:00-20:00 GST / 10 - 11 am EST
Location: Blue Zone, IETA Business Hub

Session Title: Growing and Harvesting High Integrity Carbon Crops
Recent years have seen significant advances in science, technology, and policy which, taken together, signal the time is now for high integrity crediting of ag soil carbon projects at scale. Join this discussion with a diverse group of experts regarding credit quality criteria and assessment in the context of agriculture.

Kristen Gorguinpour, Vice President, Programs at the Climate Action Reserve
Tommy Ricketts, CEO & co-founder at BeZero Carbon
Pedro Martins Barata, AVP, Carbon Markets and Private Sector Decarbonization at EDF and co-Chair of the Expert panel for the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (IC-VCM)

Moderator: Max DuBuisson, VP and Head of Sustainability Policy & Engagement, Indigo Ag

Monday, December 4
Time: 12 - 1 pm GST / 3 - 4 am EST
Location: Save Soil Pavilion TA2-210, First Floor, Blue Zone
Session Title: Investing in Sustainable Soil Management
Experts discuss financial instruments that are present for farmers to access carbon finance. Is transitioning to sustainable soil management practices essential for our survival? Yes. Unfortunately, farmers are not being sufficiently incentivised to make this transition. With inputs from leading experts in the private sector, this session will explore what it will take for different forms of finance to become available to farmers and what investors need to be enthusiastic about getting involved.

Panelist: Max DuBuisson, VP and Head of Sustainability Policy & Engagement, Indigo Ag

Tuesday, December 5
Time: 6 - 7 pm GST / 9 am to 10 am EST Location: Blue Zone, We Mean Business Pavilionp>

Session Title: Unexpected Allies – Accelerating Food Systems Solutions Through Transformative Partnerships

More sustainable food and agriculture offers one of our best means of reversing climate change and environmental degradation while improving health and livelihoods around the world. But complex transformations require unprecedented partnerships, including between private sector players who may be more used to competing, and with non-corporate actors like NGOs. What are lessons learned from partnerships that are already driving significantly different results at scale and priorities for enabling more such action?

Rob Cameron, Vice President Global Head of Public Affairs and ESG Engagement, Nestlé
Abanti Sankaranarayanan, Chief Group Public Affairs Officer and Member Group Executive Board, Mahindra
Max DuBuisson, VP and Head of Sustainability Policy & Engagement, Indigo
Berry Marttin, Member of the Managing Board (former), Rabobank
Diane Holdorf, Executive Vice President Pathways, WBCSD