
    Why We Launched Indigo Research Partners

    Today, we announced the launch of Indigo Research Partners, a program that enables Indigo and growers to test new technologies together. With Indigo Research Partners, we...

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    Farmers Benefit from New Technologies

    ByBarry Knight Farmers face a profitability challenge. Most people don’t think that farmers make much money. It’s true – farming’s margins are slim. Yet revenues from crops...

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    Indigo Innovation: A Model of Continuous Improvement

    Today, we are sharing the data from the commercial launch of our first product, Indigo™ Cotton. I’m pleased to report that the commercial data indicate that Indigo Cotton led...

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    Introducing Indigo’s First Commercial Product: Improving Cotton’s Water Use Efficiency for a Water Constrained World

    Growing up in Arkansas, we knew where our water came from. A plastic pipe allowed water to gravity flow from a nearby spring to a concrete water tank next to our house....

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    The Economics of Farming

    The business of farming has always been synonymous with significant risk. Farmers’ basic business model involves a significant upfront investment in land and machinery. On...

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    Why Indigo?

    ByGeoffrey von Maltzahn We here at Indigo have been getting this question a lot over the past few weeks. As a company dedicated to harnessing nature to help feed the planet,...

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