
    End of Another Year – Are You Making Progress?

    Ryan Stockwell is a Wisconsin farmer who helps farmers solve problems on their farms with Carbon by Indigo. If you are like me, you enjoy the seasonality of farming.

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    3 Questions on Grain Merchandising Technology at NGFA CEC

    “What if you could manage the entire lifecycle of a grain transaction through a single application?” This was the question that brought together a few of Indigo’s crop...

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    6 Questions to Ask Before Signing Up for a Carbon Program

    Carbon programs are popping up everywhere in agriculture. That makes deciding which program to participate in one of the hottest talking points for farmers right now. What...

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    A Meeting of the Minds to Advance Agronomic, Crop, and Soil Sciences

    image above: Prof. Keith Paustian of Colorado State University shares his outlook on opportunitiesto advance soil carbon research at an Indigo-hosted reception at the 2021...

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    COP26: 4 Takeaways Advancing Agriculture as a Climate Solution

    By Max DuBuisson, Bradley Rochlin, Guy Pinjuv

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    Incorporating No-till

    Sometimes starting something new is really about leaving something behind. Such is the case with incorporating no-till.

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    Farmers Maximize Their Opportunity to Get Paid for Carbon With New World-Class Tools

    Big news in the agriculture world last week: Indigo Ag announced its acquisition of Soil Metrics, an industry-leading technology company that has developed a comprehensive...

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    Climate-Smart Commerce

    “As a commerce company, Shopify champions entrepreneurs around the world, and we want to make entrepreneurship accessible for anyone everywhere,” says Stacy Kauk, Director of...

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    How Can We Bring Transparency to Know How Our Food is Produced?

    10/20/21 Today’s consumers are asking more and more: how, and at what cost to the environment, does food reach my table?

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    How No-Till Works Everywhere

    Ryan Stockwell is a Wisconsin farmer who helps farmers solve problems on their farms with Carbon by Indigo. I’ll admit, when I first heard of the idea of using no till in the...

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