5 Ways to Celebrate World Soil Day

December 5, 2020

 It may not make its way on to many calendars this season, but World Soil Day is a holiday we can get behind. In honor of the day, we’ve rounded up a few ways you can celebrate by learning about the many benefits of soil health.

Adopting practices such as cover crops and reduced tillage can improve the health of farmers’ soil, their bottom line, and ultimately the planet. Whether you’re a farmer interested in adopting more beneficial practices or a supporter interested in sponsoring this transition, learn more about what's possible with healthier soil.

  1. Meet farmers adopting soil health farming practices
    See firsthand how healthier soil can improve a farmer’s bottom line. Hear the stories of farmers who are already experiencing higher profitability by adopting practices like cover crops and reduced tillage.
     Get to know their stories or go deeper into the economic impacts with Paths to Profitability

  2. Join a webinar about carbon farmers and the companies behind them
    Hear from Indigo Carbon Supporter New Belgium Brewing and an experienced Indigo Carbon farmer on the current state of carbon markets – how farmers are able to qualify for distinguished agricultural credits and buyers are investing in the use of sustainable growing practices.
    Sign up now for the webinar taking place at 4pm CT on 12/16
  3. Hear from entrepreneurs working on the latest in soil carbon innovation
    Healthier soil not only better sequesters carbon but also abates some greenhouse gas emissions in the first place. The Indigo Carbon Challenge rallies innovators to develop and compete for agricultural solutions that accelerate and quantify this drawdown and abatement.
    See the innovations and find out who will win the Challenge

  4. See where cover crops and no-till have already been adopted in the U.S.
    With an interactive map, explore analysis on how healthier soil improves the resilience and long-term value of farmland.
    Access the Progress Report
  5. Test your soil health knowledge
    Assess how much you know about soil health with a quiz developed in partnership with No-Till Farmer.
    Take the soil health quiz

Whether you are a farmer  or a corporate organization, learn more about how you can get involved in Indigo Carbon, a program that supports farmers in their transition to more beneficial practices, delivering technological solutions and sponsor investments to accelerate soil enrichment.